Meet the quaran-team
Our hot sauce team includes us - Chris & Krystin, and our 5 children. The kids help with Pandemic Hot Sauce in many ways, from planting, caring and harvesting our plants and crops to technical support, social media and they help with orders and deliveries. Some of them even help test new flavour combinations and label our bottles. They are a huge help.
We have a Passion
for Peppers
Our adventure into making sauces began in 2018. We started our very first urban farm in our backyard in Kitchener growing a lot of hot peppers for our own home sauces. 2019 we moved to another home in Kitchener and created a small urban garden again in our backyard to make our first 2 signature hot sauces, Peach Habanero and Ghost Pepper, Mango & Pineapple, which we sold to friends and family. Earlier in 2020, we were in the search for a property to expand our space and garden for more peppers and crops in Huron County but with Covid, our plans came to an abrupt stand still. We decided to increase our growing space by using our whole urban backyard and by growing plants at other friends and family members farms.

Frequently Asked Questions

We grow a large portion of peppers on our property. In the 2020 growing season, we were lucky to have been able to grow more peppers at our friend's Farm and family member's farm.